Sale/Lease Price: $1,800/Month Gross + Separately Metered Utilities
Address: 9 Danbury Road
City: Wilton
State: Connecticut
Address: 9 Danbury Road
City: Wilton
State: Connecticut
Square Feet: 910SF (Divisible to approximately 400SF)
Occupancy: Immediate
Parking: Ample On-site
Occupancy: Immediate
Parking: Ample On-site
Additional Features:
This 1,820+/- S.F. building has recently undergone impressive interior/exterior improvements, including a fully updated gas utilizing system, brand new central air furnace, etc. The 910+/- S.F. 2nd floor space has a private bathroom, ample easily accessible parking, river views and existing furniture can be made available upon request. The space is also divisible to approximately 400+/- S.F. with a shared entrance/waiting area. Just off Wilton’s Route 7, just over the Norwalk border, it is an easy walk to shops, restaurants, and banks.